Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Roon Rock running on i7 NUC w/16 GB of RAM
version 1.7 (build 571)
Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Ethernet, 600 mbps, Asus AC2600 modem/router
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)*
Brooklyn Bridge connected via Audioquest Pearl ethernet (Cat 7)
Remote is Nexus tablet running version 1.7 (build 571)
Description Of Issue
When using android tablet remote, the radio feature that lives on the right side of the screen is often slow to load. If I’m adjusting the volume and the radio feature has not loaded and it loads while I’m adjusting the volume, THE VOLUME GOES TO 100 because the volume controls move when the radio feature loads. This has happened twice and it is beyond a nuisance. Pushing a 500 watt amp to 100% volume is absolutely ridiculous and dangerous to the listener and the equipment. THE VOLUME CONTROLS SHOULD NEVER MOVE!!! I don’t care if my tablet is old. I’d use my ipad, but roon takes a few seconds to load from sleep and apple won’t let me keep roon running in the background like my android will.
PLEASE fix this major flaw. The volume controls should never move.