On the MacBook Pro I can click on the tags icon and see the different tags I have created, but on the iPad app when I click on the same icon, it quickly disappears and the tag box does not open. Has anyone had this problem?
I’ve had a similar problem with focus on iPad. Things like composer popped up and dissappeared in a split second. What solved it for me was restarting my iPad. I’m not sure if this is a perminent fix. I’m on holiday now and did not thoroughly test it afterwards…
I tried restarting several times but it didn’t help.
Yes I’ve been seeing the same issue.
Yes, I’ve the same problem - sometimes the box stays open but often just disappears immediately.
Same here.
ive added a work item to fix this.
Thanks Danny. Is that a long or short process?
the bug has already been fixed
however, release for iPad is always a much longer process as it requires Apple involvement.
Look forward to a fix soon.
Thanks for letting me know.
Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.