I had one of these and found it had a lot of trouble handling changes to sample rates or bit depth and would lock up and not work. Restarting often didn’t fix it.
Moved it on and replaced it with a Topping unit and never looked back.
Do post your set up though (computer, OS, how it’s connected).
I’ve had a version of this problem on a couple of different Mac laptops and OS. At the moment I’m trying on MacBook Pro running OS12 Monterey.
Yes, I have enabled the TEAC. I have the same problem with Audirvana so I thought that I would give Roon a go. With Audirvana, sometimes it freezes but can generally we made to work by closing and reopening. Roon gives me nothing at all.
If the DAC plays absolutely fine through Tidal natively, it is something in Roon that is causing this problem…? There must be a way to sort this…