Technics SL-G700M2E Issues When Used In Roon Ready Mode

Hello All,

I recently purchased a Technics SL-G700M2E for use with Roon as I saw it had been certified Roon Ready.

I’m not sure if Roon are aware but the device is a bit of a mess in Roon and I don’t think the firmware should have Roon Ready Status. There are two main issues, which Technics seem to not want to do anything about.

  1. When in Roon Ready Mode the device volume cannot be controlled within Roon? Even though the option for Device Volume is enabled.

  2. Using the Digital Out on the device with an External DAC, with the Analogue Out disabled and other options disabled. The unit will not output without Roon applying Technics filters (See attached pics), even though these are turned off on the unit. Roon sees it’s the Digital Output turned on, although still applies the filters.

I’m aware this will be a Technics issue, as no doubt it will be firmware related. Although I just wonder if Roon are aware of these issues, as surely the unit should not have been certifed in it’s current state?

Really don’t want to return the unit but unless Technics acknowledge it’s a problem will have no choice.

Anyone else experiencing these issues?

Roon is not able to see what you connect to a digital output. It’s the same with my CXN v2.

That’s not the issue, with it being over SPDIF Roon wouldn’t see the end device anyway, just show Digital Output.

The issue is the Technics is applying it’s digital filters still and passing it through to Roon. Even though only the Digital Output is enabled, it shouldn’t be applying filters.

It’s like Technics have messed the firmware up.

I believe this is a question Technics has to address as they control the signal chain within the G700. Roon is reporting the signal chain but has no way of managing it within the device itself.

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Agreed Robert. They have responded as I said basically saying it’s not their fault, they don’t really seem bothered as it involves and External DAC.

I know Roon can’t control the signal chain, it’s down to what Technics have written into the Roon Ready firmware. Feels like Roon have approved and given the status but the firmware is half baked.

Frustrating as it’s a wonderful unit otherwise.