Text missing after the latest update

Same for me. Just installed latest update on Core and Desktop and now I have no text whatsoever in the desktop app.

I am running Core on Windows Server 2012 R2 and desktop client on Windows 10.

I am running Core on Windows Server 2012 R2 and desktop client on Windows 10.

I have rebooted everything.

iOS app connected to the same Core is still OK.

Hi @David_Brenchley,

What is the GPU your device is using?

Would you kindly use the directions found here and send us over a set of logs using a shared Dropbox link?


There are no driver updates for my GPU - onboard Radeon 3000.

Is there an update on this? I have apparently the same issue - Very frustrating! In my case its the onboard ATI Radeon HD4200. Roon is unusable on my main PC - the remote software functions as normal.

I installed a new, cheap, graphics card (GeForce GT710) in my PC to replace the onboard Radeon GPU. All now working fine.

Dylan, I posted in this string - I have the same issue; worked fine during trial… I paid the subscription, stopped working! Is there a fix for this coming very soon? Otherwise please advise the process for a full refund as I have hardly been able to use the software… I loved the concept, just very unhappy that it stopped working so quickly!

Hi @Alan_Norton,

Apologies for the trouble! We just recently posted our latest update here:


We’ve released a new update, Roon 1.7 Build 528, which contains improvements that we believe will help with the issues you are experiencing here. Please see our release notes below:

The Team At Roon Labs

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