Some lovely late night vinyl to ease my way ready for sleep.
Both albums from this year and very enjoyable. Though neither give much information away on the cover.
Vera Sola - Peacemaker
Laura Misch - Sample the Earth
Some lovely late night vinyl to ease my way ready for sleep.
Both albums from this year and very enjoyable. Though neither give much information away on the cover.
Vera Sola - Peacemaker
Laura Misch - Sample the Earth
Hey @Michael_Harris , I saw you picked up the Mystery Waitress on BC. Did you order the LP? Shipping is super high the States from NZ, so I have an email in with Flying Nun to see if this title will be distributed around the globe like many of their other titles. If you did pick up the LP, let us know how it sounds. I think the download sounds great as it is.
No shipping costs were prohibitive so it was a digital only purchase.
The two albums above were about £5-£7 delivery on BC but paying £30-£40 is crazy yet common on BandCamp at the moment.
I am trying to limit new LP’s for storage
purposes, though it’s not working that well
Long work week. A little unwinding with Joan Tower starting it off! Ya know… got to ease into the whole relaxing thing.
Wonderful @UliR I settled for Digital, but that’s looking very tempting
Yes, it is
A bit less tempting to me at the moment as I now have a Pixel 9 Fold to pay for
Words fail me Michael
No suitable response from me
(But wow is it really good )
So is my £300 Nothing Phone
And on topic, this does look enticing.
Digital purchase already done.
Well to be more off topic, my Fold doesn’t play Vinyl
But I have enjoyed Ensoulment several times in the last two days and purchased from Qobuz as well
I found this Ume - Other Nature sealed at a thrift store today. I was unfamiliar with the band and after a bit of stream sampling, paid my $9.99 and am quite pleased with the purchase.
Cracking bunch of tunes there!