There were an issue

Roon Core Machine

Win10, intel5, 16GB ram

Networking Gear & Setup Details

router provided by ISP, core connected via wifi5

Connected Audio Devices

2 squeezeboxes and 1 dietipi, connected via WIFI

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

It’s 10 days i keep getting this message:

Then, after a restart of roon, everything works ok.

There is a troubleshooting guide available for that case:

For a day before the warning reappears. You have to resolve the issue to get rid of the warning.

I’ve found out that trying to roon backup causes the “there was an issue…” error

Yes, because your library is corrupted and Roon (no longer) blithely backs up a corrupted library.

You need to do a Restore of an un-corrupted Backup, i.e. the last Backup you took before you started to get these messages.

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