Tidal login fails on upgrade to 1.7

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

New update to 1.7

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Bell Fibe using ethernet

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

USB iMac, Schitt Gungruier, iCan ifi Pro

Description Of Issue

Tidal login fails saying “Network error, please check your connection”. I am successfully logged into Tidal directly. No network issues. Pre-upgrade there were no issues.

Hi @James_A_McIntyre,

Can you please confirm that you are able to properly log in via the TIDAL Web Player (listen.tidal.com)?
Do you have any firewalls in place which could potentially be blocking Roon?

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