"Tidal Media Loading Slowly" issue persists despite previous troubleshooting efforts (ref#MHXITN)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category


Description of Issue

Hello Noris and Team ROON,
I am hoping that the “Tidal Media Loading Slowly” issue that I continue to experience can be looked at once again.
Since the last efforts from the ROON tech support, I have upgraded firmware for the DEQX, purchased a new Router (Draytek 28685), installed new direct Cat 6 Ethernet between PC and Router, DEQX and Router, changed DNS again to, cleared ROON and Tidal Cache numerous times. The “Tidal Media Loading Slowly” message appears several times a day and playback usually skips or stops at the beginning or middle of a track.
The DEQX is no longer an issue - the “Audio device is unavailable” error is resolved. However, the “Tidal Media Loading Slowly” issue is still there.
Please provide some advice.

Roon Core Platform


Roon Core Specifications

Intel(R) Core™ i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.20 GHz 8.00 GB Ram 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Windows 10 Home ADATA SSD for system and data

Connected Audio Devices

DEQX HDP-5 Direct Cat 5 Ethernet to Router

Home Network Details

DrayTek DV2865ac Vigor2865ac VDSL2 35b Multi-WAN WiFi 5 Modem Router direct Cat Ethernet to PC

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Hi @Dr_Alan_Knight ,

Thanks for your message. Can you please let me know the exact local time + date + track when you next experience this issue? I can enable diagnostics when I have this info.

Does the issue also happen when you play to other zones, or just on the DEQX? Are you able to reproduce the issue with playing just locally saved content?

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