TIDAL media not loading

Can anyone share some thoughts on why this is happening to this particular album? Everything else plays perfectly. The media not loading message is at the bottom centre of the image below. Thanks all.

Hi @Raymond_Ho ----- Thank you for the report. The insight is appreciated!

Upon seeing your post, I went and tried to track down the referenced album in Roon, and in the TIDAL application. I seem to be having a hard time locating it :face_with_head_bandage: Would it be possible for you provide me with a URL to the album via the TIDAL application?

Many thanks!

Hi @Eric,

Here is the link:

The source is descried by Roon as AAC Low Quality, perhaps that might cause issue when playback. I need to try this again on my ROCK. On my office desktop that runs Windows Core, it seems fine.

Thanks for touching base with me @Raymond_Ho and providing the requested URL :thumbsup: Appreciated!

Moving forward. I was able to successfully access the provided URL via my web browser and when I accessed the link and selected “play in tidal” the TIDAL webUI opened as I expected, but I got a warning that said the “content was no longer available”. Are you seeing the same?

1 - Clicked URL

2 - Clicked = Play In TIdal
3 - Received the following warning in TIDAL:
