Hi there,
Previously I reported a problem with the synchronization of Tidal Playlists. I have been talking to Tidal and definitely it is their issue, however it is having an impact on Roon. Sometimes the manifestations in Roon are different form the ones in Tidal App.
I share the report I wrote to Tidal and the videos, so that you can work together with them for solving this annoying issue:
"Dear all,
Since some weeks I having issues with updating the playlists. In Tidal App (IOS & OSX), sometimes it does not allow to delete the songs —as you can see in the video 1. It only works via the web app. I tried logging out, but although it worked for some minutes, it came back to the same problem. In ROON App I have a similar issue. The outcome is the same but in this case, for some seconds the song dissappears but then it comes back to the playlist —as you can see in the video 2.
I have the problem at different time —morning, night.
"Hi there,
New update: this is getting quite insane. Now Tidal is duplicating (or more than than) the songs in the playlists. Furthermore, the synchronisation with ROON was broken. I had to re-login to Tidal in ROON to solve the problem. A detail: when I have problem for deleting songs from the playlists I log out and then it works but only for 1 song. So if I want to delete 10 songs I have to repeat the procedure 10 times.
Here you can find the new video: Dropbox
The synch with QOBUZ continues to be flawless.