So for a while I only subscribed to Tidal. Then I added Qobuz. Then I decided I would drop Tidal. Then I added it back. And now I have many many albums added in both Tidal and Qobuz. Does anyone have any good suggestions about how I can de-duplicate my Roon library? I would for example choose Tidal as the main service (no trolling please) and then delete albums from Qobuz that are already on Tidal and only keep albums in Qobuz that are not in Tidal. What a mess.
Wouldn’t this setting help you too? (Show hidden tracks and albums → no.)
For each album, only one entry will be shown although you have different versions.
yes that works in most screens
I was more concerned about the hit on my roon server with so many albums in the database that don’t need to be there
I have like 1000 tidal albums and 1400 Qobuz. There was a period where I was just adding things willy nilly
I don’t think these numbers are a problem, only 2400 albums in total isn’t that much.
Maybe Soundiiz can help you, which is a service that makes it easier to transfer libraries to and from different streaming services. But I have zero experience with this.
There is a much more simple solution, I now realize.
- In an album list, focus on all duplicates (under ‘inspector’).
- Now focus also on a storage location (Tidal or Qobuz, from where you would like to remove all duplcates).
- Select all albums (tap on one for a while, and after this is activated chose ‘all’ in the menu at the top left of your screen.
- Click the three dots next to where you selected ‘all’, and chose: remove from library.
This will bulk delete a lot of albums, so it’s safer to first remove a single album or a small bunch.