Tidal stops playing

Thanks, @Martin_Kogel.

Now that I have the timestamps, diagnostics have been enabled on your account. The next time your Core is active a diagnostics report will automatically be generated and uploaded directly to our servers

Once that’s been received, I’ll be sure to pass the report along to the team for analysis.

Hi @Martin_Kogel,

We are seeing the same thing as we shared before with Normal settings. It’s looking like even with lower streaming settings it’s still having trouble accessing data from TIDAL.

In some cases we’ve found that Cloudflare DNS and Google DNS can help with this type of issue — Can you try giving one of these a try and let us know if it helps?

Hi Dylan, I changed to the Google dns servers. For now it seems to work without any problems.

Thanks for the help. If the issue reoccurs I’ll let you know.


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Hi @Martin_Kogel,

I’m glad that things are working for you now! Please feel free to reach out if you ever have any other questions or issues. Happy listening :headphones: