Timed lyrics shown for instrumental song "Dreamlight" by Michel Camilo

Roon Core Machine

MacMini 2011
16 GB Ram
Core i5
Roon version 2.0 (build 1211)

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Cabled network

Connected Audio Devices

Apple CinemaHD display connected to Roon Core
Naim Unity Atom

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

While playing music in the background, I noticed that Roon suddenly started displaying timed lyrics for “Dreamlight” and “Caribe” from Michel Camilo’s album “One More Once”.

The lyrics shown for “Dreamlight” are not safe for work to say the least.

Checked that the album was correctly matched by Roon, and it appears to be so.

Only the two above songs have lyrics attached.

Not sure where these lyrics are coming from?

LOL one of the better misplaced wrong lyrics. They seem to be these, not even a similarity in track title or anything.

1 Like

Very strange matching of lyrics…
Just tried to search for similar song titles, and din’t find the match that you obviously found.

Seems like someone may have had a bit of fun in one of the sources for timed lyrics.

I searched on Google for a text string from the lyrics in quotes plus “lyrics”

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