Tips & Tricks for troubleshooting missing tracks?

I’ve discovered that Roon isn’t importing all my tracks, but it isn’t reporting that any are being skipped either. Any ideas on how to audit the system to determine what is missing and work out why? It does seem to be somewhat random. Today’s find was a missing 11th track from a Steve Winwood compilation album that iTunes and Audirvana both see and play just fine.

This is a good place to start:


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Hi Mike,

Sorry, I should have stated that I already went through that document when I first imported the library a year ago and again when I noticed that some tracks were still missing recently.

I’m down to random files that are not listed as skipped nor do they have any obvious defects.

Is there a way to get Roon to dump the database or output a log file detailing why it skipped a file? Rather than trying to hand audit the library, I’d like to run a diff between the Roon database and the music folder.

The example track I mentioned doesn’t have any unusual characters, the other 10 tracks in the directory imported normally, it isn’t listed as skipped, and it isn’t corrupted or missing its extension.

OK. I have at least a partial answer to why this particular track and a few others won’t move over to Roon. It seems that random tracks downloaded from iTunes still carry DRM. Of the 11 tracks on this particular compilation, only the 11th is protected and remains protected even when I delete the entire album and re-download it from iTunes. The other 10 tracks are DRM free.

Hi @David_Bertagni,

Is that the case for all missing tracks? Do they all have this DRM?

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