Titan Very Slow Boot

Since I replaced my Nucleus+ with a Titan, I’ve had extremely slow (re)boots. The web interface will reconnect after 40 seconds but Roon software isn’t available until after 3 minutes.

Nothing on my network nor has my library changed.

** actually, the only thing that changed was I moved the library locally, to an internal 8TB SSD. I would think that move would speed things up.

This is very different behavior than my old Nucleus+, which was very quick. Under a minute to be able to listen to music. Should I be concerned?

Any ideas?

Has it finished importing, identifying and analysing this SSD?

8tb total size, but how many songs?

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Yes, import completed – weeks ago.

Total SSD size is 8TB, with 52% capacity left. There are just over 86K tracks.

And, as I mentioned. The number of albums/tracks hasn’t changed since the swap from the Nucleus+. The only thing that has changed is moving the library from my NAS to the Titan.

Hi @hedkase,

Thank you for your patience. The team has request diagnostic logs from your Titan to take a closer look.

We can see Roon Remotes disconnecting from RoonServer throughout logs, including shortly after the restart events. Do you have any managed switches or second routers between your Nucleus Titan and your primary upstream router? What about mesh nodes or access points that serve a WiFi signal to your Roon Remotes?

Please briefly outline the network topology for your Roon environment. I’d also assign a reliable DNS server in your primary router (like Cloudflare,, to ensure upstream server addresses can reliably resolve.

During bootups in logs, RoonServer doesn’t appear to be struggling. RoonServer comes online and, within a matter of seconds, re-authenticates existing account connections with Roon and streaming service servers to begin a session. Active networked Zones populate as soon as RAATServer comes online, within 1-2 minutes after bootup at the latest.

The only process taking three minutes or longer is the library re-scan, which generally wouldn’t interfere with performance at only 86k tracks. Do you have all of your local tracks stored in one single folder without subfolders, by change?

Verify you haven’t inadvertently set a Backup location as a Watched Folder on your previous external storage, as well.

We’ll keep an eye out for your response.

Connor – thanks for the reply. Answers below:

  1. Where do I find the diagnostic logs?
  2. Network hasn’t changed since I’ve upgraded from the old Nucleus+ but this is what I’ve got. A full 10Gb Ruckus network with many Ruckus access points. All of my Roon hardware is hardwired. There are managed switches but only one firewall/router.
  3. I did update the DNS servers to what you recommended with no change in behavior.
  4. I did have an old backup path set to my old NAS but it wasn’t active. I deleted anyway. Still no change in behavior.
  5. All my music is local to the Titan and organized in sub folders, ie A through Z, then in artist subfolders.

Like I stated before. It’s strange behavior. Nothing on the network has changed and Nucleus+ reboots were super quick and responsive.

I’ll upload diagnostic files once I get instructions on how to find them.


They can request them remotely and already did, which is why they know this;

ah, they’ve already got them. Good to hear.

Thanks for the clarification.

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@Connor was there anything else I should be looking into?

Hey @hedkase,

Thanks for the follow-up and the additional details!

It’s still a bit unclear where your Nucleus resides within your network chain. If possible, could you attempt to simplify things temporarily, and set your Nuclues up with a direct ethernet connection to your primary router? See how things perform under these conditions.

Potentially do the same with your primary remote device as well - just as a test.

Let us know the results, thanks @hedkase! :raised_hands:

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