To remove a tag

Dear Sir/Madam,
How can I remove an added but misplaced tag in Roon 1.8?
Kind regards, Ruud

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Hi @Ruud_Brocheler ,

What do you mean by “misplaced tag”, can you share a screenshot?

@noris I think what he means is that it appears that in 1.8 it is no longer possible to remove a tag from an album page by selecting the tag and removing it by clicking the pop up (as one could in 1.7). Now, whether by design or not (and I hope not), one must select the tag, find the album, and remove the album from the tag.

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Hi Ruud,

Go to the Menu/Tag, Open the tag, highlight the album, click 3 dot menu then “remove from tag”.

Seriously? Can click the tag and remove it directly?? Definitely a step back for Roon.


Thank you all. Rugby delivered the answer. wkimbel87 understood correctly. I can continue with getting used to 1.8. Looks very nice to me.