Toggling sort order for all sort menu options

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Roon 1.8 (build 764) stable

Description Of Issue

In the sort menu on any given screen, the sort order can be toggled (asc / desc) by clicking that menu option again. That is, for some options, but not all. Further, the same option might be able to be toggled on one screen but not on another.


On the My Artists page, sort order can be toggled on Name and Most Played but not on Album Count

On the My Albums page, sort order can be toggled on Artist, Date, and Album Title, but not Most Played or Date Added

What client do you use? All the examples you give do work for me as expected - even the ones you write don’t work. Checked on Windows.

I tried on iOS, MacOS, and Android.

But I just noticed that it’s not even consistent on all of these three. In my OP, my examples work (or don’t, as the case may be) as listed for Mac and iOS.

But on Android, none of the Sort by options toggle between asc/desc on either the My Albums or My Artists page. (There are many other screens with a sort by menu, but I just chose to test those as examples.)

I just figured this out. You have to click on the actual arrow in the menu. Clicking on the text next to the arrow doesn’t toggle it, it just closes the menu.

But here’s what’s most confusing… If I got to My Albums and change the sort to by Artist descending (Z → A). Then I click on the sort menu again and click on Sort by Artist again (the text not the arrow) it DOES toggle it back to ASC (A → Z). Which I guess is the default set in sort Settings. So freakin’ confusing.

For my money, the sort default in Settings could be removed and just have the sort menus remember their state (which they do) and clicking on the sort menu items (whether the arrow or the text) does the same thing (ie. toggles it) no matter what.

This doesn’t seem right to me from a UX perspective (and I’m guessing I’m not the only one to be confounded by this), but we’re into the land of opinions and not bugs, so I suppose this can be moved from support to feature requests…

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