Too many failures, stopping playback error with Tidal and

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
QNAP TVS-473 NAS with latest update. Roon 1.8 (build 764)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Linksys Router wired to NAS

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Schiit Yggdrasil DAC connected to NAS via USB

Description Of Issue
Most radio stations give a “playback interrupted because track failed to load error” and Tidal gives a “The track is currently not available from Tidal. Too many failures. Stopping playback error.” Tidal app on my PC works fine. I have tried many of the proposed solutions. Removing the cache from Roonserver and restarting Roon via the web UI. Restarting the NAS. Restarting the modem and the router. Backing up the database and then replacing the Roon server. Nothing has worked. This problem began with the upgrade to Roon 1.8


Hey @Mike_Fontaine,

Thank you for posting this support request. I appreciate you having researched this issue already and having tried so many of the solutions that have worked in similar cases.

One of our technicians will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for your patience :pray:

Having the same issue here, have trawled Roon for solutions and none have worked. This has only been a problem since the 1.8 update. Have not been able to use Tidal for weeks.
Roon Nucleus +
Linn DSM

Hey Roon people, when can I expect some help with this issue?

Same problem here since Roon 1.8. It starts with the message that Tidal media is loading slow and after a while and skipping dozens of tracks that cannot load playback completely stops. Very frustating…

Same issue: This track is not currently available from Tidal. Never had this problem before. It’s after upgradind to 1.8

I’ve resolved part of my issue. Yesterday I opened a different Tidal account. Now Tidal is working. I’m puzzled as to why this is, but I’ll take it. The radio issue still persists. Many radio stations don’t load. In one case, a lower resolution played, but not the desired higher resolution.

It has been over one week, and Roon still has not stepped up.

Problem solved. It was due to a canceled Tidal subscription. My fault. Fixed subscription and the error has gone. I’t would be nice if Roon had trapped the error and displayed the right cause to me. Best regards.

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