I’ve got a Raspberry Pi 4B w 4GB RAM, wired to ethernet, WiFi disabled, USB AUTO SUSPEND was originally ENABLED. I was running 2024.12 (or 11, can’t recall). Roon server showed the endpoint in ABOUT, but no audio device.
I finally figured out that the USB DAC was not showing in RoPieee AUDIO. USB AUTO SUSPEND was disabled for some reason? I upgraded the RoPieee to 2025.01. This did not change the behavior.
I re-enabled USB AUTO SUSPEND. Did not change behavior.
I saw the Topping showing OFF on it’s display. I tried pressing the POWER button on the TOPPING, no joy. I unplugged the USB cable to the DAC (not power) and back in. Topping display was the same.
I then unplugged the power from the TOPPING and back in. Display on Topping showed a . and then was detected again in RoPieee AUDIO. Roon Server saw the device immediately and it is playing now.
I have a log ID (below) that hopefully covers the above steps. I’m not sure why AUTO SUSPEND became disabled? And I’m not sure why enabling it again didn’t wake the DAC. Is that expected behavior? Thanks for the help!