Track filtering seems inconsistent / I don't understand it [Ticket In]

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is the album identified in Roon?

Generally yes

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?


Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

In playlist view, I view a playlist and then want to search by artist.
I’m looking for all my tracks in the playlist by Neil Young.

If I search for “Neil” or “young” I see them:

If I search for “neil young” I only see a few:

Shouldn’t that last search work?

Note in tracks view, “neil young” artist search seems to work


Yup, I find that with Playlists; multi-word filtering on Artist doesn’t seem to work, yet works fine on Album (for me).

Seems like a bug that should be fixed then. Hopefully Roon support will respond.

Anyone from support want to respond?

Hi @Peter_Galvin1,

Your timing is impeccable! We reviewed your issue with our developers earlier this morning, and have a few follow-up questions while we continue to investigate:

  1. Is this playlist built with solely local files? Or is a mixed bag with tracks from Qobuz/Tidal?

  2. Does this happen no matter the Roon remote?

  3. Within your Roon Settings>Library>Import Settings - What is the metadata preference under Album Artist?

Well this is interesting.

  1. Local files only
  2. only seem to happen on my main roon remote (my desktop Mac Studio)
    connecting to the same Roon core from my Mac laptop or iPad the searching within playlists seems to work fine!
  3. “Prefer Roon”

Thanks for the follow-up @Peter_Galvin1, interesting indeed!

Our QA team would like a copy of the Roon database tied to the main roon remote on your mac studio. Could you please create a fresh backup of your current database and:

  1. Zip up your RoonBackups folder (right-click it and select “Compress…”):
  2. Submit the .zip file to us through our Database Issues portal

OK backed up, compressed and uploaded

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Any news? Not sure how long it will take QA to have a look…

Bump… any news on this?

Hi @Peter_Galvin1,

Apologies for the delay. Our team hasn’t been able to reproduce this in house yet, but our team has a ticket in for further investigation. Thanks for your continued patience! :+1:

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