Track names and lyrics are in Spanish, not original (Italian) Eros Ramazzotti (Dove c'e Musica) [Resolved - Reidentify]

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Using Tidal, Eros Ramazzotti (Dove c’e Musica) album tracks and lyrics are in Spanish.
I checked Tidal and AllMusic, they display correctly.

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

It’s from Tidal, but after checking in Tidal app, there are no issues in Tidal app.

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

What is interesting is when I take all 5 versions of the song Dove c’e Musica, roon recognizes the song. however, roon also sees the Spanish version of this album, and I think this is creating a confusion.
Basically, seems like the original album is overridden by the Spanish version.

By the time I wrote this Topic, a new album “Remastered 2021” which looks ok now, but strange thing is that you cannot see this album in the tracks. I was thinking to cancel this topic, but maybe it can help with some metadata issue, so I’m submitting it. All screenshots I’m submitting were taken within 10 minutes.

Same with Qobuz (in Roon). All track names are in Spanish.

Also “Eros - Best of” is buggered in the same way. Both Tidal and Qobuz through Roon.

Hey @Ljubisa_Crnadak,

This topic did in fact help us identify a metadata issue in our index. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we appreciate the heads up here. We’re investigating to determine why this particular release is defaulting to the Spanish Language version.

In the meantime, you can re-identify this album in Roon by doing the following, please give this a go:

  1. Click the ellipsis on the album page

  2. Click edit

  3. Click Identify album

  4. Click the album title (Dove C’e Musica)

  5. On the next page compare the tracks on your library version to the one in our database

  6. Click Save

  7. Review the metadata again after clicking save.

That should take care of it!

Hi @jamie,

Glad to help and see it makes an impact. Actually, I’m feeling a little guilty now that I wasn’t involved in the community :slight_smile:
Will try to spend some more time here, for sure!

The solution you proposed works just fine.

No need to feel guilty @Ljubisa_Crnadak. You’re here now and lending a hand. We’re grateful and happy to have you! :pray:

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