Server: Version 1.0 (build 259) production
OS: Version 2.0 (build 1311) production
Connect to storage on Synology NAS. DSM 7.1.1
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Wired Ethernet via Unifi Dreammachine
Connected Audio Devices
PSAudio PerfectWave DAC
Number of Tracks in Library
21588 tracks
Description of Issue
I see tracks on my NAS show as “Unavailable” in Roon. Tidal tracks play with no issue.
I have tried the instructions here to reset the ROCK. And for a short period after resetting, the unavailable tracks are available and play. But after about an hour they become unavailable again.
Before I had a chance to try this things auto-updated and then roon clients would get stuck on the screen that said there was a problem with my database. I tried another reset and restore from backup and that didn’t solve it either, it immediately went to the same screen. I decided to cut my losses, reinstall Rock OS and start again from scratch, so far everything seems to be working properly again.