Trouble restoring Roon to Reset WIN10 PC

I have run Roon for a couple of years on my PC. Recently, the PC started to freeze up so i Reset Win10. Seems all is working better now. Only Chrome, my HP printer, and Roon are external apps being run.

When i open Roon for the first time, I see the Login / SignUp screen. At the bottom, it says, Restore a Backup… I select restore. It works for a while and then i am told to relaunch. I select relaunch, but that just takes me back to the Login/Sign Up screen. I selected restore again, but this loop repeated. When i tried to Login, it recognized i was working on two devices and that i would need to deauthorize one of them to continue.

Do i need to deauthorize my current/prior device to allow Roon to reauthorize it? Is this a normal step?



Seems like a bug. So, not normal, but usual.

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Big thanks. You are right. Not intuitive to me to deauthorize my current device, but the right thing to do.


Hello @hshrader, glad to see you got some help here. Please let me know if you have any further questions!

Resolved, thanks!

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