I think this should be a question for the Roon develop crew. When I play the songs 88,2 Khz and 24 bit with BluOS (which is a subpar product compared to Roon) I have no problems with Dirac Live being enabled. But as soon I stream it through Roon to the same player (NAD C658) it will not play. Several people mentioned that it was a bug in the NAD, but in my opinion this cannot be, because with the BluOS app it plays fine.
Please enlighten me if my reasoning is flawed.
Nobody knows without reading all the code, but it looks more like it’s a BlueOS problem that only exhibits itself with Roon. That’s what the NAD/BlueOS people should test. It’s not so hard, they have known about the problem for years before you told them about it. If it’s a Roon problem, they can prove it.
Roon can test with a BlueOS device, too, but IF they can’t see the error happen in the Roon code, there’s little they can do about it.
It doesn’t use the exact same code in the BlueOS and Roon cases.
In addition, Roon can play 88.2 to anything else, so clearly there is something special that happens between Roon and BlueOS.
Anyway, the workaround is easy by converting 88.2 to a different sample rate in Roon.
Thanks for your reply. Your argument is valid. You remark about converting 88,2 to something I do not understand. I cannot program Roon to convert a specific bitrate when it is within the devices specs. So how should I tell Roon to convert 88,2 to something else?
By the way, you may also want to know that in the older thread that was linked above, Roon staff confirmed that BlueOS told them (in 2020) that they would fix it, and in 2023, BlueOS support confirmed the same to a user who had contacted them.
As for the workaround, go to the Roon MUSE settings > Sample Rate Conversion. Set the first menu for Sample Rate Conversion to Custom. Then choose 88.2 and set the conversion target to 176.4.