Trying to use a small screen as a Roon display

Hi all,

I have purchased a small 2.4" LCD screen to fix to a Raspberry Pi A and use as a Roon display. I have managed to get the screen to display information but it is too small to display everything so, for example, half the lyrics are chopped off on the right. Has anyone managed to try anything similar?

I know the code is in display_iu.html, can anyone make some suggestions about what to change?

Many thanks


Looks like this display is too small, what’s the minimum resolution requirement for a Roon display?

I figured this out, you can run a roon display on a 320x240 LCD on a Pi if you start chromium like this

/usr/bin/chromium-browser --window-size=320,240 --app=“http://:9100/display/” --start-fullscreen

Do not use --kiosk mode

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