TV with Embedded Chromecast not found by Roon


My installation is as follows:

Server side :

  • Synology DS1517 + Server with 8GB of RAM and 5 IronWolfs of 10 Tb
    few services that run, DS Video with about fifty 4k movies (1080p are on another server), DS Photos, DS Audio is off, and I do not use Docker nor VM at the same time.
    Core Roon Version 1.5 build 354
    Its IP address is
    74000 tracks imported, something like 4800 albums identified

  • Cisco Switch (all wires are Grade 3 = CAT7)

  • Cisco SR2016T-EU SG 100-16

As endpoints :

  • Desktop setup “office” (I have 3 outputs, I change according to the needs)
    Laptop MSI GS60 2QE-039FR Ghost Pro 3K (Intel Core i7-4710HQ, 16GB)
  • DAC/AMP nuForce Icon2 + nuForce SX
  • Topping DX07s DAC + nuFOrce ST120 Amp + Apex Audio Monitor 10
  • Teac NT503 DAC + Yamaha DSP A1 Amp + Acoustic Vision MV2
  • “Living room” setup
  • SotM 200 Ultra - Holo Spring L3 DAC - Accuphase E470 - Focal 1038be
  • Sony AF8 TV with Chromecast embedded

As my installation salon is “headless” I wanted to display the album covers and tracks names on the TV. I was happy to see that feature was added with last release but unfortunately the TV is not seen at all by Roon (in Settings / Displays).
I tried with the address on a browser web laptop (chrome) or on the tablet (also chrome) and I have the icone display that appeared in the “pull up menu” of the speaker. So display works with simple web page.
As a backup solution, The TV can not display the web page unfortunately because its embedded browser is neither chrome nor firefox but a totally unknown browser specific to Android TV.

What is the solution for the Chromecast entry to be well recognized?
The TV chromecast input is well seen thru the network from my Laptop, my Samsung S4, my LG G6, my Asus Zen3S tablet with the apps Netflix, Youtube, Molotov, Google Play Movies and Music apps, Twitch and even Hifi Cast (which is supposed to be exclusively DLNA).

All devices reside on same sub network, I use a DHCP server with iMac adresses mapping to be sure that every devices keeps same IP. There is no IP conflicts on the network.

Chromecast is not even seen as an audio output in Settings / Audio, but it is supposed to be independant of display feature.

Any hint ?

If VMM is installed on your Synology, Open vSwitch is enabled regardless whether VM’s are running or not. There’s an incompatibility between OvS and Roon, causing Roon to be unable to see ChromeCast/Airplay devices when OvS is running (Roon Bridge/Ready and Meridian Streaming are fine).

Uninstalling OvS (which unfortunately also means not installing VMM) will make the devices pop up in Roon.

Hi, I have done a bad translation. I am not using docker or VMM at all. I will check if Open vSwitch is running and is the faulty guy.

I removed ISO images, clusters intalled but not running and VMM and the Chromecast appears.

Well happy in a sense to see that the solution was found quickly (many thanks), but in another sense quite disappointed that I have to put 30% of my Synology features in the trashbin :confused:

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.