ultraRendu to Brooklyn DAC+: jump to full volume

I have a new ultraRendu and plugged it into my Brooklyn DAC+ for the first time last night. When I pressed play in Roon, it blasted at full volume. Admittedly, I should have checked the volume first. But since I always use my DAC+ at a reasonably listening volume, I did not check first. Before receiving the ultraRendu, I was plugging in my NUC directly into the DAC+ via USB. An hour later, I was installing the Spotify Connect app on the ultraRendu while listening to Roon and it again blasted at full volume. I was not using Spotify, just installing the software while listening to Roon to ultraRendu to DAC+.

I have no idea how this would even be possible, since the volume control is on the DAC+, not the ultraRendu or Roon. But since this happened twice in an hour, I’m a little afraid to use this.

I’ve debugged my own problem a little. Every time I power on the DAC+, it is now at 0db, full volume. I had the USB Volume setting set to “dB” which worked very well with the NUC plugged directly into the DAC+, but I have now set it to “DSBL” and the previous volume is now remembered.

A very dangerous combination.

Good to know…thanks for circling back and posting the fix.

SONORE computer audio
microRendu | ultraRendu | ultraDigital | signatureRendu

Is there a way to support volume control through the Roon remote in this configuration, the way I could when I was going directly from the NUC to the Brooklyn DAC+?

You can try hardware volume control from Settings / RoonReady.

SONORE computer audio
microRendu | ultraRendu | ultraDigital | signatureRendu

I confirmed that Hardware Volume control does allow me to change the volume from Roon. But I still have the problem that the Brooklyn DAC+ jumps to 100 percent volume every time I turn it on. To protect my equipment, I disabled USB volume control on the DAC+, and it now remembers the last setting.