Unable to access local music on Cambridge MXN10 from Roon ROCK (ref#OM7GNT)

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I have an Intel NUC - NUC8i7BEH i7 CPU, 16GB RAM, 256GB NVMe +500GB SSD - Roon Rock OS and a Cambridge MXN10 streamer both connected by Ethernet to my Virgin home router. I am unable to see my local music stored on the SSD from my MXN10. My router has UPnP configured (I also have a WIIM pro, which can access the local files). Not a deal breaker, as I can play local music through ROON, but would be a good addition, if I could also access directly from streammagic. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Describe your network setup

Virgin hub5

I don’t quite understand the setup. The music is on the 500 GB SSD in the ROCK?

If so, then ROCK should see it and streams it to the MXN - the MXN does not necessarily have to access the SSD at all. Does the ROCK see it?

If you want the MXN to be able to access the ROCK’s SSD independently of Roon, i.e., you want the ROCK to function just as a file server for the MXN:

  • ROCK shares the internal SSD by exporting an SMB file share on the network.
  • You have to configure the MXN to connect to this file share, and then probably use the Cambridge app to access it.
  • The file share is accessed by smb://rock/data/Storage/InternalStorage (the exact format depending on what Cambridge wants for accessing SMB file shares), similar to what’s described under the heading “Method #2: Importing To Network Folder” on this page:

(UPnP on the router is irrelevant for this)

Rock does not share anything via UPnP. Roon isn’t a UPnP server so that app won’t see it as a server. You would need to add the Rocks SMB share ( how you add music to it) to the Streamagic app if it has the option to add network storage as a source for the app.

Hi @Trevor_Penny,

We wanted to check in on your thread and see if you were still having issues? Both @Suedkiez and @CrystalGipsy are correct in their replies above - let us know if you’ve been able to get things sorted. :+1:

Thank you!

Hi Benjamin,

I have managed a work around by copying all my local music from the rock onto a USB drive and plugging that into my MXN10.

Thanks for your help.

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