Unable to Access Playlist in Roon (ref#GM2PBJ)

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It won't let to get to my playlist on Roon, right below Files.

Describe your network setup

Router/Modem: ZB7-T Infinity

Hi @Don_Gilbert,

I’m afraid we’ll need more information to take action on this post.

Please share a screenshot of the Playlists page within Roon where the unavailable playlists are housed.

Are these streaming service playlists or local playlists, or do they contain tracks from mixed sources?

If the playlists only contain local tracks, are any of the same albums or tracks available elsewhere in Roon, like the Albums or Tracks browser?

As you can see from my screenshoot that the Playlists appears right under Folders, but it will not let me select it.


I forgot to mention that I have gone to my Playlists many times on the Roon app.


These are playlists that I have put together here on the Roon app.

Hi @Don_Gilbert,

Thanks for the follow-up! Can you head into Roon Settings > General and confirm you have the ‘show playlists’ setting enabled?



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