Unable to access Roon database after new computer setup (ref#C0UWTC)

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Apologies-- not a sophisticated computer person and admittedly not trying to be one. I do like music, though, and I’m a lifetime Roon subscriber.

My setup was rock solid using a desktop as my core until that machine wouldn’t boot up last week (blue screen). The computer was from 2018, so I bought a new one. I set it up last night, installed Roon and logged in. I knew I would have to reload my albums (most of which i have on a portable hard drive), but i thought maybe my playlists and other Roon data would would show up after logging in. no.

The old computer won’t boot up so i’m not sure how to access my backup file (which i think i was automatically saving to a hard drive in there). Is that where my backup file would be found? I don’t think the hard drives in the old computer are corrupted. Can someone recommend next steps? As an aside, there are other files on the old machine i would like to retrieve (and still others on the 2 or three other old, out-of-service old towers I’ve been holding onto).

Also, is what i know as a “core” now called a “server”? I looked at this last night and they appear to be different things, but I’m not clear on the difference. My setup is (was) desktop core hard wired to cambridge CXN100 streamer with Tidal as my music service. That is all I’m trying to replicate here.

thank you for assistance

Describe your network setup

core hardwired to streamer

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Apologies-- not a sophisticated computer person and admittedly not trying to be one. I do like music, though, and I’m a lifetime Roon subscriber.

My setup was rock solid using a desktop as my core until that machine wouldn’t boot up last week (blue screen). The computer was from 2018, so I bought a new one. I set it up last night, installed Roon and logged in. I knew I would have to reload my albums (most of which i have on a portable hard drive), but i thought maybe my playlists and other Roon data would would show up after logging in. no.

The old computer won’t boot up so i’m not sure how to access my backup file (which i think i was automatically saving to a hard drive in there). Is that where my backup file would be found? I don’t think the hard drives in the old computer are corrupted. Can someone recommend next steps? As an aside, there are other files on the old machine i would like to retrieve (and still others on the 2 or three other old, out-of-service old towers I’ve been holding onto).

Also, is what i know as a “core” now called a “server”? I looked at this last night and they appear to be different things, but I’m not clear on the difference. My setup is (was) desktop core hard wired to cambridge CXN100 streamer with Tidal as my music service. That is all I’m trying to replicate here.

thank you for assistance

Describe your network setup

core hardwired to streamer

A core or server is the same thing. A PC which is running the RoonServer software.

Your playlists, etc. are held in the database. You need to make a backup using Roon’s software to backup the database. Did you ever do that?

If you have a computer that won’t boot, you will need to remove the drives from that computer and install them as secondary drives on a different machine to access the files on that drive. Assuming the drive is okay, you should be able to get to them.

One of the easiest ways is to get a USB Drive Dock. This allows you to plug in a drive easily to your existing computer and have it treat the drive as USB attached. Which means, of course, you need to eject the usb drive after your done and turn off the power when switching drives.

The one I’ve used and have never had an issue with since 2019 is this one.

The nature of the hard drive enclosure will depend on the disc installed in your old machine.

The disc could be:

  • M.2 Nvme SSD (unlikely if the computer is more than 4 or 5 years old)
  • M.2 SATA SSD (also quite unlikely)
  • 2.5 in SATA (SSD or HDD)
  • 3.5 in SATA (HDD)

If you are going to buy a USB enclosure, you need to make sure you buy one appropriate for your drive.

The one recommended by @Rugby will accommodate the last two but it will not support the first two.

Hi Big Dan and Wade.

Thank you for these tips-- i ordered the dock and used it this weekend to get my backup file from the hard drive of the disabled machine. So I’m good again. Now if I could only get RoonARC to work…


The dock should help with the even older tower PCs you want to retrieve data from. I keep mine around for backups.

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