Unable to Connect or Find Roon Core (ref#WHM7JL)

Affected Product


Description of Issue

i keep getting message cannot connect or find core. Can not get to play

Roon Core Platform


Roon Core Specifications

i7 transport into ultra redo into mytec brooklyn+ DAC

Connected Audio Devices

XLR into Mytec into full DecWare system

Home Network Details

connected to router new ARRIS model from Frontier


Are you able to connect to your core with a phone or tablet? If it’s only your Mac that cannot connect, have you restarted it?

Or else: please restart everything: router, core, Mac…

thanks for the reply, yes I have restarted everything, multiple times, I keep having select a zone coming up also with HQ player and a bunch of HDMI things i can’t find how to delete
thanks for any suggestions. I’m pretty lost here!

Hey @Scott_Preston,

Thanks for writing in! I wanted to check in on your status and see if you were still having issues?

If you select ‘Use a different core’ are you able to see your server? I’d also give your router a hard reboot, and ensure that all Roon devices are functioning within the same subnet within your local network.

I’ll be on standby for your reply. Thanks! :+1:

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