Unable to connect to Nucleus One after three days of functionality (ref#2J28Q1)

Is Roon Server running?

· Yes, Roon Server is turned on and running.

What do you see on your screen?

· I see something else

When you try to connect, what screen do you see?

· I see something else

Please try to restart your Roon Server by closing the Roon app in the taskbar or rebooting your Roon Server machine.

· No, the issue remains the same

Please try to restart your network setup by unplugging, waiting 30 seconds and then replugging in your networking gear.

· No, the issue remains the same

Please select how you've connected your Roon Server to the internet

· Roon Server is connected by *Ethernet*

Have you checked your firewall settings to ensure that Roon is allowed through?

· Roon still won't connect even after checking this aspect

Have you verified that Roon Server is on the same subnet as your Remotes?

· My Remotes and Server are on the same subnet and I still can't connect

Sometimes the issues can be resolved with a reinstall of your Roon Remote app. Let's try to perform a reinstall and see if it helps.

· I've reinstalled the Roon Remote but it did not help

What is the operating system of your Roon Server host machine?

· *Windows*

Select any of the following components that are present in your local network setup

· *Mesh networks*

You mentioned a mesh network in your setup. Certain common mesh networks might require slight reconfiguration to support Roon.

· None of the above

Describe the issue

I cannot connect fully to my Nucleus One, which I bought July 1. It worked fine until 3 days ago. I stream music from Qobuz and have a Nighthawk Mesh router and a dCS DAC. My computer is a fairly new Dell running Windows 11. I use an iPAD to connect with Roon. I know the network is functioning because I can stream music from Qobuz just fine using the dCS app. But when I attempt to connect with Roon and go to the "home" page, I get an animated symbol, like it is trying to find my Qobuz library but can't. Other times it tells me it is looking for the Roon server and that something went wrong. I have disconnected and reconnected my mesh router; disconnected and reconnected my Nucleus One. Nothing works.

Describe your network setup

My modem is called Arris and is furnished by my cable service (Cox). My mesh router is a Nighthawk Triband Mesh WiFi 6E, AXE 5700. MR 90s, MK 93S. As I say, all this worked fine until 3 days ago.

Seems there’s some confusion here. The Nucleus One is a Roon server. But you’re saying the Roon Server host machine is using Windows. So presumably you’re Roon server is actually the Dell running Windows 11. Are you sure you’re using the Nucleus One as a Roon server? There can be only one enabled at a time.

I got to thinking about what you wrote and what I said. Your dCS DAC can be a Roon endpoint or can be connected to your Dell as a Roon endpoint. I think we need to know exactly how your Roon architecture is set up. The dCS pieces are very versatile and can be configured a number of different ways. I’m not a dCS user, but it seems the most direct way would be to have both the Nucleus One and the dCS DAC connected via ethernet to your Nighthawk either directly or through a switch.

David, I was just confused (and admittedly a computer novice). The Nucleus One is my only Roon server. I see now that my Dell running Windows 11 is irrelevant. My problem is just with the Nucleus One server, which worked fine right out of the box until 3 days ago. I used the Nucleus One quick start guide to set it up. Both my Nucleus One and my dCS DAC are connected to my Nighthawk mesh router via ethernet cables. All my Dell computer does is power the Nighthawk mesh router. Neither the Nucleus One nor the dCS DAC are connected to the Dell computer. The dCS proprietary streaming app, called Mosaic, continues to work well and gives me access to my Qobuz library as always. I apologize for the confusion.


Two things to try:

  1. Enter \\nucleusone\ into the web browser of your PC to see if you can access the Web Administration Interface of the Nucleus One. If you can access it, please post a screenshot.
  2. If you cannot access the Web Administration Interface, can you attach a monitor or TV to the HDMI connector of the Nucleus One and post a photo of any message that is displayed.


The first obvious possibility is a bad ethernet cable from the router to the Nucleus One. Try a different cable.

I tried a new ethernet cable but it made no difference. The Roon app on my iPAD can’t find the Nucleus One. I get the message that something went wrong. Then I clicked on the suggestion that it should connect to another Roon server (which I don’t have) and I got the message that it was looking for one. While it was looking, I did see a message that it had detected the Nucleus One, but when I clicked the Done button on that message it disappeared. So I’m back to square one.

Geoff, I located the Nucleus Web Administration Interface and my son took 3 pictures with his iphone of the information there. I hope this is legible and tells you something. The first image was blurry on the screen. John

My apologies, I gave you the incorrect format for the web address of the Nucleus.

You should type http://nucleusone into your Web Browser (or simply click on this link in my post). What happens when you use this?

Geoff, this time I get a page which says everything is OK. This includes Operating System, Roon Server Software, Roon Labs Software, and Roon Database & Settings. This is turning into a real head scratcher. Thanks,

Right, so to summarise:

  • The Nucleus One appears to be running OK; all systems go on the Web Administration Interface…
  • Opening Roon on your iPad just shows the animated Roon logo
  • Opening Roon on your Windows PC also shows the animated Roon Logo?

Can you describe your network setup in detail? I assume that the iPad is connected via WiFi to your Mesh network; how is the PC connected, via WiFi also, or wired?

I am somewhat confused by what you meant by:

I think we’re chasing a network issue here (possibly the Nucleus One is on a different subnet from your iPad and PC), so more details would be helpful. Thanks.

Geoff, I’ll try to describe my network setup. I have a cable service that powers my computer, the main TV in the house, and landline telephone. The modem I use is called “Arris” and is supplied by the cable company. I have a Nighthawk mesh router with 3 units. The main router unit sits next to my PC in my study and the PC is connected to it with an ethernet cable. One router satellite unit is in the family room, and other family members use it for their ipad, cell phone, and a second TV. No devices are connected by ethernet to this family room satellite router unit. The second satellite router unit is located in the living room next to my audio system. When I bought my dCS DAC several months ago, at the same time I purchased an ipad that I could use to interface with it and stream music from my Qobuz account. Both the Nucleus One and the dCS DAC are connected to the satellite router unit by means of two ethernet cables. Before I bought the Nucleus One and subscribed to Roon, I used the dCS proprietary app Mosaic to stream music from Qobuz. Now that Roon isn’t working, I am using the Mosaic app again to listen to Qobuz and it works fine.

My dCS DAC is the only device connected to Roon. When I purchased the Nucleus One about July 1, I set it up using the quick guide and my ipad and it worked fine. I downloaded the Roon app on my ipad, and use only the ipad to to operate Roon. I use this ipad for streaming music from Qobuz via Mosaic and Roon, and nothing else. I have never attempted to open Roon on my PC, as the PC is in another room (my study) and I have never downloaded the Roon app to my PC.

The curious thing is that Roon was working fine for 40-50 days. Then about 5 days ago, while I was using it, Roon stopped responding to commands. For example, I attempted to clear a queue of music I was listening to, and got no response. Then I went to the Roon Home page and got the familiar salutation “Hi John,” and the count of how many albums there are how in my library, how many tracks, artists etc. But it couldn’t display or play any of the music, and just gave me the animated Roon symbol as if it was trying to locate them. I tried to give Roon other commands from my ipad, but it didn’t respond to any of them so I gave up… The next day I tried again, and only got the message that it was looking for the server. The third day, I did manage to access my Roon home page again, but as before all I got was the “Hi John”, the count of my albums and artists, and the Roon symbol that it was trying to locate the music. Just minutes ago today, I tried again and got a message that the Roon app had located my Nucleus One (I had seen this message at least once before) But when I dismissed this message, all I got was the familiar refrain that Roon was looking for the server. So nothing has changed.

Please let me know if I have omitted any details. Thanks, John

Your “Arris” modem is almost certainly both a modem and a router combined, which means that you have two routers in your home network: the Arris and the Nighthawk.

This does sound to me like a network issue. I think the best thing is to wait until a member of the Roon Labs Support Team can examine the logs of your Nucleus and suggest the next troubleshooting steps. The team is small (four people) and they operate a queue system. They will respond as soon as your request reaches the head of their queue. Thanks for your understanding.

Hi @jchance6,
Thanks for writing in to let us know about this issue. The next step here will be to review your logs. Please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader. Let us know what you named the uploaded logs once you have done this and we will review them.

Daniel, when I put \NUCLEUS\Data into my browser, as I was instructed to do, I get the message that the file cannot be accessed. Is there another way to do it?


You don’t use your web browser, you use Windows File Explorer and put \\nucleusone\data into that…

The Help article only refers to earlier Nucleus models. You say that you have a Nucleus One, so use \\nucleusone

OK, I have uploaded the logs folder on the Roon log uploader under my name, John Chance. The zipped folder is named for my email:[moderated: private email address removed]. Thanks, John

Hi @jchance6,
Thanks for uploading the logs for us. I’m seeing this in your most recent logs.

08/20 19:23:08 Warn: [easyhttp] [5] GET https://api.roonlabs.net/geoip/geoip/1/lookup check network configuration: socketerr (NetworkUnreachable): Network is unreachable (
08/20 19:23:08 Warn: [easyhttp] [4] POST https://api.roonlabs.net/accounts5/accounts/3/login check network configuration: socketerr (NetworkUnreachable): Network is unreachable (
08/20 19:23:08 Warn: [broker/accounts] failed to refresh account info: Result[Status=NetworkError]

This tells us that the Nucleus is having problems reaching upstream services (i.e. servers that are outside of your local network). I noticed early you mentioned you have two modems. Try putting one of them in bridge mode. You can usually do the from your router’s LAN settings under NAT mode. please let us know what the results are here.

Daniel, I went to the setup web page for my Nighthawk MR90 mesh router. I found a button for VLAN/Bridge Settings, which gave me two options. I selected the option “enable VLAN tag”. The router didn’t like this option and wouldn’t/ reboot. Then I selected the option enable VLAN/Bridge setup by wired port 1, 2, or 3. The router has 3 ethernet ports, and I am only using one so I selected Port 1. The router did reboot, but Roon gave me the same message–looking for the server. I tried Port 3 with the same result. Now my router is stuck and not working at all.

You whould know that now the proprietary app Mosaic that I got with my dCS DAC no longer works either. So now I have no streaming at all with either Roon or Mosaic.


Daniel, the problem is resolved. I contacted Netgear, the manufacturer of my router, and they set me straight. The problem was not in the network, but with a worn-out ethernet cable. So your first suggestion to me–change the cable–was right. The problem was that I thought one cable was as good as any other, so I tried another worn-out cable, which of course didn’t work either. Now with an RJ 45 cat 6 cable I am back in business. Thanks for your help.


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