Unable to connect to Roon Arc

Roon Core Machine

Intel NUC 8i7BEH, 8 MB Ram

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Modem Fiber modem to service provider DZS modem. 1 GBPS line. Service Provider Airtel - Mumbai - India - IN BRIDGE MODE - IpV4 and IpV6 enabled.

Router - Netgear Orbi 752 ( Mesh system)
UPNP Enabled

Connected to Silent Angel Bonn Switch

Roon core connected by Ethernet cable to Audiophile switch - Cat 6 UTP cable

NO VPN on router.

Connected Audio Devices

Audio devices - SimAudio Moon 390 connected to. switch by ethernet cable through EtherRegen switch

Control by iPad Pro / iPhone 14 Pro Max

Number of Tracks in Library

Music - 1,930 albums. 27,463 tracks

Description of Issue

UPNP is enabled on nether router

Error code when testing Roon arc
“connectivity”: {“status”:“NetworkTimeout”,“status_code”:998,“error”:“”},
“external_ip”: {“actual_external_ip”:“110.aaa.ddd.eee”,“actual_external_ipv6”:“null”,“router_external_ip”:“null”},
“natpmp_autoconfig”: {“status”:“NotFound”},
“upnp_autoconfig”: {“server_ip”:“”,“found_upnp”:true,“error”:“<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\” s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\“><s:Body><s:Fault>s:ClientUPnPError<UPnPError xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0">501ActionFailed</s:Fault></s:Body></s:Envelope>”}

Maybe try manual port forwarding for the port found under Settings → Roon ARC to the local IP of the NUC

Thanks. Done as attached:

No Joy…

I did not reboot the router

Rebooting the router for sure isn’t a bad idea.
Other leads to follow are 3rd party security products (especially FWs) on your NUC.

Thanks. Done. but No joy. The NUC is exclusive Roon core. No 3rd party security products on core

I have Netgear Armour enabled on router. But that does not show it has blocked any port

I do not have static IP from my service provider. Is this a must?

No, not needed.
A typical ISP related problem would be CG-NAT. But the message you see does not point in that direction.

Thanks for assisting @Bernd_Kurte!

The diagnostics @Suresh_Kamath provided suggest that the Core is having difficulty reaching Roon’s servers. There are several independent factors that can cause this error, so Roon recommend double-checking the following to initiate troubleshooting:

  • Is your router firmware up to date?
  • Do you have any VPNs, proxy servers, or enterprise-grade security on this network?
  • Are you experiencing any issues with Roon Remotes, or other apps on your local network?

If you continue to experience difficulties, please tag the support team and include the following information:

  1. What is the make and model of your modem and router?
  2. Do you have any additional network hardware, like additional routers or managed switches?
  3. Who is your internet service provider and what is your geographic region?
  4. Is your Modem configured in Bridge Mode so that it operates only as a modem or do you have the ports forwarded on both?


Thanks for responding

Modem Fiber modem to service provider DZS modem.
1 GBPS line.
Service Provider Airtel - Mumbai - India - IN BRIDGE MODE - IpV4 and IpV6 enabled.

Router - Netgear Orbi 752 ( Mesh system)
UPNP Enabled

Connected to Silent Angel Bonn Switch

Roon core connected by Ethernet cable to Audiophile switch - Cat 6 UTP cable

NO VPN on router.

Orbi firmware up to date

No issues on Roon Remotes

No additional gear and no managed switches.

1 Like

Please be patient, Roon @support will respond after the weekend.

Meanwhile, you may want to try a couple of things.

  1. Disable IPV6.
  2. Disable UPnP, and setup manual port forwarding rules.

Thanks. I tried al that and no joy. I checked with findmyopenport and no port is open.
I have asked my service provider for a fixed IP. I understand that when I have fixed IP, my port will be opened. Let me try this in the meantime if it works.

You also could check with your ISP if they restrict ports to customers in general. If so ask them to allow you at least your ARC port.

A fixed IP isn’t essential; a dynamic IPV4 address is good, too. What doesn’t work is CGNAT.

@Suresh_Kamath, the ARC error message seems to identify that your Airtel DZS modem/router remains in routing mode, not bridge mode. Can you disable UPnP on the Orbi router and attempt the following port forwarding rules on your Airtel and Orbi systems:

  1. Create a port forwarding rule on the Airtel forwarding to the IP address of the Orbi main router using the port number listed in your Roon Settings → Roon ARC tab (I believe from your screenshots that is port 44135)
  2. Create (or verify in this case) a port forwarding rule from the Orbi router to the IP address of your Roon Core NUC) using the ARC port number

I have two routers in my network and this approach worked for enabling ARC.


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