Unable to Connect Windows 11 PC to Roon as Endpoint (ref#7NEERB)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category

Interface & Usability

Description of Issue

Have had Roon for several years. Use Small Green Computer SonicTransporter i5 as Roon Core and have 2 Sonore microrendus as well as several LG V30’s as endpoints. Now am trying to install on Windows 11 PC so I can play music through an Audio Quest Cobalt DragonFly plugged into USB port. Have dowloaded Roon app for PC and when opened it asked for my Roon Core which it found. Then said my Core needed updating which I did. Now when I open Roon it says choose player but my PC does not show up. I have rebooted but still doesn’t show up. How do I make this work?

Roon Core Platform

Linux (NAS/SonicTransporter/Antipodes/Ubuntu/etc.)

Linux Core Type


Roon Core Specifications

i5 purchased June 2017, no drives connected. That’s all I know.

Connected Audio Devices

Sonore Microrendu, LG V30’s cell phones…and my PC which is not showing up on Roon.

Home Network Details

Ethernet. ATT Gigabit Internet, TP-Link router (recent)

@mike_skelton, does the Roon application open on your W11 PC? If so does it see the Core on the sonicTransporter? Have you configured the W11 PC to be on a Private Network under Windows Network Settings, and also allowed roon.exe and raatserver.exe as exceptions in Windows Firewall (and any other firewall you have on your PC)?

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Hey @mike_skelton,

Ben with the support team checking in on this thread, are you still having issues?

@Robert_F has laid out some important next questions and has also provided a good next step.

Did this issue happen around the time of the new router? If so, there may be some settings to review. Which model TP link router are you using?

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