Unable to Download and Flash RoPiee Image with Etcher (ref#FC61MN)

What’s happening?

· Something else

How can we help?

· None of the above

Other options

· My Roon software won't start up

Describe the issue

I have attepted to download RoPiee image from the website and neither of the images (full or compressed) are not accepted by Etcher

Describe your network setup

N/A image downloads but Etcher deems it corrupt

Hi @Seppo_VAKEVA,
Thanks for reaching out about this. I think you may have misunderstood how Roon works. You need both a server and a license to use Roon. According to our record you have neither unless they are associated with a different account. You can learn more here.

If you’re trying to install Roon on your QNAP, please follow the directions here: QNAP – RoonOnNAS

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