Unable to Download Roon Server Installation Files on Linux (ref#7LQ8BK)

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I'm trying to install Server on my Linux machine, and none of the download links are working from the support pages. I get 301 Moved Permanently when trying to download any of the scripts or zip files. I just need to reinstall my server, please help! :)

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Is this where you are trying to get them from (they changed where you get the files from at some point)?

If so, have you tried right clicking and then selecting “Save link as…”?

As a note I get a warning that it is a non-secure download so have to tell it to download it anyway.

Hi @AaronM,

Please see @BlackJack’s post above - we’re in the process of overhauling our documentation and you’ve unfortunately encountered some out-of-date information.

The workaround linked above should function.

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