Unable to download the correct version of Roon Remote for Galaxy Pixel 6 (ref#RIHPCC)

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I am running Roon Core v2 build 1455. My Samsung android phone runs Roon Remove v2 build 1455 and everything works. However, when I try to add Roon Remote to my Galaxy Pixel 6 I can only download Roon Remote 1.8 build 1145, which won't connect to my Roon core. What am I missing?

Describe your network setup

Router is from Telus a Canadian provider. The Pixel phone sees the Roon Core alright but complains that the Core is v2 while Remote Legacy version 1.8.

In their infinite wisdom they have changed it to no longer be called Roon remote, it’s just Roon. Search for that instead of Roon Remote which is bringing up the legacy edition.


Thankyou @CrystalGipsy!

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