Unable to find Anthem AVM70 with Chromecast in Roon app for artwork display (ref#EWLXO0)

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Describe the issue

I have an anthem avm70 which has chrome cast built in…but I can’t seem to find it on the room app under displays to have the art work on my tv

Describe your network setup

I I have an Apple mini running the core that’s connected to the avm and directly to my router.

Hi @Mark_Mendes,
Thanks for reaching out to let us know about this issue. How is your Anthem connected to your server? Can you share a screenshot of your Roon Audio settings? You can find that page by clicking the gear icon and then clicking the Audio tab.

Hey there. So I have my Mac mini which has the core connected to the anthem via HDMI

The AvRs don’t support video for Chromecast only
Audio I believe.


Oh. Didn’t realize that any tips on how to get some kind of pic on my tv? It’s a Samsung frame

Doesn’t it have a built-in web browser?

Did you check if you can install a Roon app on the TV? Maybe if the TV runs Android and has access to the Google store that might work too (but you then would need mouse and keyboard to operate the app unless this is a touch TV).

Hi @Mark_Mendes,
Did the built in web browser @BlackJack mentioned work for you?

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