Unable to find core after power outage

Roon Core Machine

Nucleus Plus

Networking Gear & Setup Details

cable modem

Netgear switch

Connected Audio Devices

wi-fi and ethernet

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

After a 10 minute power outage, neither my laptop [wi-fi] nor desktop [ethernet] is able to find the core

I connected the nucleus to a tv monitor via hdmi and it shows intel[nuc] is connected but i get the no signal message

Is there something else I should try or is my nucleus plus cooked?

It’s not entirely clear what this means. If the Nucleus screen isn’t displayed on the TV with the correct HDMI source selected, this indicates that the Nucleus isn’t running.

Can you confirm if the power light is illuminated? (Ignore the Ethernet port lights)

thanks; the nuc hdmi input is shown at the top of the screen with a message no signal on the screen

Yes, the power light on the nucleus is on

Is this message displayed by the TV? Have you tried cycling through all inputs?

Yes, cycled through the HDMI inputs and one shows at the top of screen that it’s connected to nucleus and on the screen a yellow warning sign that says no signal.

Have just searched my network devices and the nucleus is not showing up at all

Hi @Norman_Spector ,

Apologies for the slow response here. I activated diagnostics and I am noticing that the Nucleus is now online, have you been able to fully solve this issue? If so, can you please share what the cause was?

Thanks @noris : The nucleus plus was blown in the power outage and i have a new one and everything is tickety-boo and even Roon Arc is now working perfectly and I’m going to get a surge protector for the nucleus plus like the one that I have for my qnap library and qnap backup!

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Glad to hear you’re up and running again @Norman_Spector ! Hope the surge protector helps, I would also suggest adding a UPS if power outages are frequent. In any case, do let us know if you run into any other issues, though hope everything is smooth sailing now.

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