I’m unsure if this belongs here. I did look for similar topics, but I’ll let the admins decide if this should be escalated to a Support post.
The matter is this: yesterday I added a downloaded album to my library, and somehow something went wrong. One of the downloaded tracks turned out to be corrupt, so it didn’t get fully uploaded. I deleted the album from my NAS, re-downloaded and re-uploaded the album, and ran ‘Force rescan’ from the Storage tab in the Settings menu.
After that, I found that Roon had kept the deleted album and put the new (correct) upload right beside it. I tried to ‘delete’ the corrupted version of the album from the Edit menu but got a popup message that told me that there were no tracks to delete. So I decided to use the ‘Hide album’ feature in the Edit menu, but that didn’t work either. I restarted Roon, and did a new Rescan of the folder, but nothing worked…
Is there another way to remove this corrupted ‘Ghost album’ from my library? I’m reluctant to do a full re-index by creating a new RoonServer database by changing the name of the current one to xxx_old and restarting Roon.
Best practise would be to first remove the corrupt files from the folder, force roon to clean up the library removing all deleted or non-associated tracks and subsequently uploading the correct version.
Would that be a solution?
If it is overly complicated, merge the 2 albums or group them as identical. In most cases roon will make the ghost album disappear after noticing there are no files behind this entry. Might take some time.
Like I reported in my original post, I tried both and it didn’t work. That is why I reached out to the community. I’m not a Roon-noob and I know where to find the Delete and Hide buttons
@Max_Delissen, another user in the past week had a problem removing a deleted album. They rebooted their Roon Server and were able to delete it, May be worth a try if you have not performed a reboot.
I will admit that the first time I skipped the part where you do a forced rescan after you delete the corrupted album folder from your NAS and do the new upload after that, but even when I moved the new album folder (that contains the succesful second upload) from my NAS completely (copied it to an external HD, than deleted the album folder from my NAS, and than performed a forced rescan) the corrupted album did not disappear from the Roon Album View page. And it’s still there.
I will try your suggestion to merge the albums and see what Roon comes up with. It may take a few days before I get around to this, but I will report back