Unable to Load Display URL on Silk Browser with Amazon Firestick (ref#0WH998)

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Hello, the display url is not working for me. Silk browser Amazon firesticlk. Just says roon. Plays music fine and I get the default artwork for airplay. Tia

Describe your network setup

Rock on Nuc, bedroom setup firestick running airreceiver. Lounge display to smart TV fine. Url not work on phone or TV upstairs.

Hello @Mark_Bullen and welcome tho the forum.

There is more needed than just opening the URL in a browser but seeing a Roon logo is a good sign that the URL is correct and working:

Hey @Mark_Bullen,

Thanks for writing in, and welcome to the community. @BlackJack is correct in their above response, were you able to give the KB article above a read?

We’ll be on standby for your reply. Thanks :+1:

Hi both - thanks for the pointer - it is now working when i use the display to option for the browser. I’m sure it didnt used to work like this but maybe that’s a memory thing.Anyways all good now - cheers :slight_smile: :slightly_smiling_face:

Great we’re glad that display is working for you now!

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