Unable to log in due to 'You're already signed in' message on Mac Mini (ref#UQKMVK)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble logging in

Where are you having trouble logging in?

· I can't log into the Roon app

Describe the issue

You’re already signed in.

Sometimes I need to log in but I can’t because I receive the message “you’re already signed in”. I can solve the problem by unauthorizing my device (Mac Mini), but then I loose some settings after reauthorizing.

Describe your network setup

Mac Mini connected to an Apple Time Capsule with an Ethernet cable

Click Unauthorize.

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Sometimes Roon licensing server gets confused and thinks the current Roon Server is an additional different installation.

Just press the unauthorise icon, it’s quite safe, and then login as normal.

Hey @Serge_Nelissen,

@Jim_F and @Carl are correct here - that should ease the process for you the next time it happens!

Happy listening :notes: :drum:

I knew this already, but after doing so, I need to reassign the device and change the volume limits. It is a bug that needs to be corrected. Agree?



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