Unable to Log in to Qobuz via Roon Despite Correct Password (ref#YCRINO)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble logging in

Where are you having trouble logging in?

· I can't log into TIDAL / Qobuz / KKBox

Describe the issue

I cant log in to Qobuz. Tryed online with Qobuz and it works fine. In Roon i cant log in to Qobuz, wrong password. But its the same password. What to do?

Describe your network setup

No problem streaming from Tidal etc so thats not the problem.

Hi @Joakim_Skattung_Lind,

First, try fully logging out within the Qobuz native app or web player. From there, restart RoonServer, verify your credentials are correct, and attempt to log back into Qobuz within Settings → Services.

If you continue to see erroneous Qobuz login failures, I’d then verify that the DNS server assigned in your router is reliably passing the Qobuz API to your RoonServer machine. Try Cloudflare ( if you’re using the ISP default DNS server.

The team will follow up from there if you’re encountering ongoing issues. Thanks!

Hi I have tried logging out on my mobile and restarted my Roon server but the same result.

Is not a network expert so what you write tells me nothing. Works for several years until last week. Works everywhere but not in Roon.

Hi @Joakim_Skattung_Lind,

Thanks for following up. How is your Zen running Roon Server connected to your router? Can you setup a direct ethernet connection between the two, bypassing any network gear temporarily, and see if you run into the same issue?

After testing out the above, it would be good to review your router settings. What model router are you currently using? Access the web settings, and from there you can review the DNS settings. Often times you’ll find better speed and connection when updating from the ISP default DNS server over to Cloudflares server, which is (

( - this is what you’ll update your current DNS to in your router’s settings.

Did anything change in your setup? Any updates to any devices?

We’ll be monitoring for your reply :+1:

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