Unable to log in to RoonServer (ref#A1S1CI)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble logging in

Where are you having trouble logging in?

· I can't log into the Roon app

Describe the issue

I can’t login roonserver

Describe your network setup

I have change a new Roon server,but I can’t login the new Roon server.

Do you see a page saying “You’re already signed in” like the one below?

If so, you need to click on the “Unauthorize” button to remove the association between your old Roon Server and your subscription account.


Hello @peter_wen ,

@Wade_Oram is correct, you will need to Unauthorize a previous server to use a new one. If you are having any specific login errors please let us know the error or more infoformation surrounding the behavior, thanks!

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