Hoping someone can help me here. Had Roon for the past 6 weeks or so and had perfect integration with my Tidal account. Now all of sudden I can no longer access Tidal. To start with it said I was logged in to the account in settings but could not play any tracks, so I logged out and tried to log back in but to no avail. I have even changed my password in Tidal but I still can’t log in or connect at all. Has anyone else had this issue and does anyone have any ideas?
Have you tried rebooting your Core?
Thanks for the response. Tried that, made no difference. Running Roon core on Mac Mini which I have restarted but the problem persists.
Just to confirm, did you restart Roon (or Roon Server) on the Mini or just reboot the computer? I’ve found that just rebooting the computer won’t help.
Cheers, Greg
Rebooted the Mac Mini assuming that would restart Roon as well. Am I missing something here?
It doesn’t, don’t know why. Try quitting your Roon Core and restarting.
Cheers, Greg
Will try that, thanks.
Ok. Think I’ve found the culprit. Rebooted Roon core, same problem. Rebooted Mac Mini then tried to log in to Tidal. …success! Activated my VPN no Tidal. Changed location to my country (UK) tried to log in again and success. Must be something to do with location with Roon although logging into Tidal direct is no problem. Anyone else had this issue?