Unable to login and use Roon app on iPhone (ref#ALFL7F)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category

Interface & Usability

Description of Issue

Unable to login and use Roon app on iPhone, despite payment and able to login via web interface to ROCK kit. App recognises ROCK kit but gets stuck in loop when logging in. Recognises my account to log into and then goes back to previous screen in constant loop. Everything up to date including iPhone running Roon app

Roon Server Platform

Roon Optimized Core Kit (ROCK)

Roon Server Specifications

RNUC12WSHI50000 Intel Nuc. 1 year old
Crucial 8GB DDR4 RAM
Samsung EVO Plus 970 250GB M2 SSD

Connected Audio Devices

Sonos Beam, Play 1, ZP100, Play 5, Anthem MRX540

Home Network Details

Ethernet Cat 6 cable to 8 port gigabit Netgear switch which is Ethernet Cat 6 connected to Sky Hub router

Hello @Alastair_Hudd ,

Welcome to the forum and thanks for reaching out. I checked your account remote diagnostics from my end and it looks like you have a RoonServer online at the moment, were you able to login properly? If so, can you please let us know what action(s) you took to resolve the login issue? Thanks!

Not sure which bit solved it, but unplugged Ethernet from Netgear switch and plugged directly in Sky router, also moved from static IP to DHCP.
Imagine it might be the direct connection to router that helped but can’t be sure. Also had rebooted multiple times

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