Also, WRT the played items: Can you click the three dots next to “filter” and select the “clear all played” option (assuming you want to remove all played items, that is)?
Hi @RM_Kamphuis,
Thanks for reaching out to us about this issue. Please let us know the answer to @bearFNF’s question and we will be better able to help you out with this.
That’s correct! There is no way (also not with the three dots). Being in the LL list, the albums itself do not show the LL button highlighted. Also tried to hot that button to add the album and remove it again but that also doesn’t work.
Here is a screenshot in Dutch of my Android phone after clicking the three dots behind an album. You see the option ‘Toevoegen aan Later luisteren’ which means ‘Add to Listen later’. Which is not correct because it is already there!
(Torben - A Dane living in Hamburg - Roon Lifer)
The below 3 albums was marked as Listen Later (LL). After I listen to the albums they where bought and transferred to my Roon music liberty. I listen to the albums (local version) and a couple of days later tried to remove them from the LL list.
When I removed them they are gone for some time but do show up again. A restart or shutdown did not fix this problem.
To be as accurate as possible, the albums in my LL list are Tidal albums, which I (after listening) added to my library. Hope this helps to find a solution.
I see where it goes wrong:
If you add an album to LL and then add it to your library, it becomes unresponsive and can’t be deleted anymore. If you add it to LL, and remove it before adding it to your library, it is removed.
Makes this whole feature useless (the way I would like to use it).
I wanted to touch base with some good news, which is that our technical team has been able to reproduce this behavior and we’ve opened up a bug report with our developers and have marked this thread with [Ticket In].
While I can’t provide a timeline of when the issue will be fixed, getting things reproduced in-house is a critical first step. Thanks again for the report!
I can’t get rid of this listen later ep. I’ve listen to it twice and unclicked the listen later button. Lucas Brar. I’ve even tried to ban it and it will not leave the listen later tab.