Unable to see Internal Music Storage option for new SSD in Nucleus One Web Admin (ref#KUBET0)

I'm having trouble with my Nucleus hardware

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· The Nucleus boots up and I can connect to it in the Roon app without issue, but I have a question about configuration/storage/attached devices

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· Nucleus One

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I have a new Nucleus One that I am trying to install a SSA drive in. The Nucleus is on my network and I can connect and play music from Tidal. I have installed a new Samsung SSA drive (870 EVO, SATA 2.5”).
The Roon instructions say I should see “Internal Music Storage” in the Web Admin interface and be able to format the drive. I do not see this. What section in the Web interface should this show in? Could I have a bad SSA drive?

Sorry, SSD not SSA

It might be in a different area, but, it should still say Internal Music Storage.

Hello @Glenn_Powell ,

Thanks for reaching out. Have you been able to locate the drive on the WebUI as per @Rugby 's suggestion?

Yes! The screen shot helped me find the correct screen. Found the drive and was able to format it.
Thanks for your help!


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