Unable to view lyrics on HiFi Rose RS520 (ref#RCUP6Q)

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How to view lyrics.I am using HiFi Rose rs520.Thanks (I have tried activating microphone symbol next to track)

Describe your network setup

Rs 520 streamer router from Direct tv

Yeah, but I don’t think that HiFi Rose has implemented the display of the RS520 to be capable of displaying lyrics from the Roon Server…

From the RS520 manual:

I suppose so, I thought it’s about Roon (only skimmed the thread title and the post didn’t say where. My bad). Anyway, that’s how it works :slight_smile:

Hey @James_Bigham,

@Geoff_Coupe appears to have the correct information above:

Let us know if you have any additional questions! :+1:

Sorry I didn’t make that more clear;I meant to say from the rs 520 to my 120” Hisense screen via hdmi

The Rose puts out through HDMI the same than you see on the the display.
For seeing your lyrics, you need to open on your TV a web browser or (much better solution) add to it a chromecast device and tell Roon to use it.

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Hey @James_Bigham,

I believe @Burkhardt_Petermann is correct here:

Let me know if this makes sense! :+1:

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